Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In response to a Post Comment

"The thing that I find interesting is how incensed people are about female genital cutting---yet male genital cutting is viewed by many as totally ok since it doesn't technically interfere with sexual relations, etc. Regardless, I think society holds a double-standard."

Male circumcisions do have cosmetic benefits but they also have health benefits too:

1. Some boys will suffer from a condition called Phimosis, in which the foreskin can not be pushed backward far enough to permit urination, proper cleaning of the penis, and can also become a problem called Paraphimosis in which, during sexual intercourse, the tight foreskin makes it back past the head of the penis (glans penis) and gets stuck there, unable to go back forward, thus cutting off circulation to the penis and to the skin itself- a very painful experience that requires immediate circumcision

2. Boys who are not properly educated by their parents as to how to properly clean around the head of the penis, under the foreskin, accumulate a cheesy foul smelling substance called Smegma. This strongly predisposes the man to penile cancer. Also, if they have phimosis, then there is definitely no way that they can clean the smegma even if they wanted to.

3. Sexually transmitted diseases are easier transmitted and carried in an uncircumcised man due to more vascular surface area and more "nooks and crannies" for things to be harbored.

I do not care whether a man in circumcised or uncircumcised, as long as they are not suffering from any issues and have good hygiene.

I personally think that it is my patients' choice as to whether or not they want to circ their sons. I do advise them however of the pros and cons. If there is an adequate opening i.e. enough foreskin, then it is mostly personal preference that governs the decision to remove the foreskin or not. There are cultural, religious and social factors that come into play. If they choose not to, then its fine with me, but I do encourage the parents to teach proper hygiene techniques to their son from a young age, to prevent some of the above mentioned issues.

If there is Phimosis, usually even if the moms decide not to circ their son, sooner rather than later they end up coming back to us because of issues with urinating etc. In that case, it would be much better to have the procedure done as a baby and not as a 5 yr old who would be more cognizant of and traumatized by the experience.

Female Genital Cutting, serves no health benefit. As a matter of fact, it puts the women in a constant uphill battle with their health for the rest of their lives. I do not believe that circumcisions on men and FGC are analogous.


  1. Europe proves circumcision is bullshit by the fact that it has less STDS and a lower HIV rate. Please, end this medical fraud. What parent has the right to amputate healthy tissue from an infant? From the most personal and sensitive place. Seriously, child abuse.

  2. I've always found the "it's the parent's choice" line to be a bit of a cop-out. Either it doesn't have clear medical benefits, in which case it shouldn't be done; or it does, in which case it should be recommended (although obviously not forced upon people). So I guess the question is, do the benefits outweigh the risks?

  3. If circumcision was healthier (it isn't) the fact remains that it is the most pleasurable part of the penis and removing it before the child could consent would be violating his human rights. If the "evidence" isn't enough to convince 150 million uncircumised European men to get circumcised it probably should not be done to an infant. Ever notice how the pro-circumcision people push circumcision on the ignorant and helpless?

  4. sorry, meant to say " the fact remains that THE FORESKIN IS the most pleasurable part..."

  5. I am glad that you are sharing your opinions. I am from Trinidad and in the Caribbean, most men do not get circumcised. I was just expressing the medical field's stance on the matter here in the United States. As I said, this is as much a cosmetic issue as a health issue and while I personally could care less if a man is circumcised, there are times when it is medically indicated to have it done. "Perfectly good foreskin" is assuming that the person does have enough of an opening to enjoy sexual intercourse and normal urinary functioning. You must not discount some of the medical reasons that I put up on the blog

  6. True Phimosis is rare, and also easily treated. Stretching exercises will solve most cases, and 96% are cured with the use of 0.05% betamethasone cream.
    source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=16291369&ordinalpos=428&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

    The link between circumcision and penile cancer is not clear, and as you said, proper hygiene eliminates any potential benefit it could have. Lets not also forget that women create smegma in even higher quantities then do males.

    Condom use is far more effective at preventing STDs, and their usage also eliminates the possible benefit circumcision could have. Careful choice of partners and regular std testing is also a much more viable solution.

    And for the record, when the foreskin is pulled back, there are no extra "nooks and crannies".

    I realize this is your personal blog, but your sexual preference is pretty irrelevant to the discussion. As well, the way you assert that circumcision provides "cosmetic benefits" like it is some kind of fact is disturbing from someone who is trying to provide mature discussion. That is certainly a subjective opinion, and just as valid as someone preferring the "cosmetic benefits" of FGC.


  7. continued:

    Religious, Cultural, and Social factors really play no role in medical, surgical procedures. It doesn't justify FGC in this country, even in the most minor forms. It doesn't justify removing sensitive, functional, healthy genital tissue from an infant. That tissue belongs to only one person, and it certainly is not one of the parents, or one of the doctors, or his/her future partners. It belongs to the individual BORN with that tissue.

    Most circumcisions performed on young children are as a result of improper care (premature retraction). The foreskin is permanently adhered to the head of the penis at birth, and must NOT be forced back. It naturally separates over time.

    The vast majority of the population does not circumcise, and they are not running into penis-related problems because of it.

    In parts of the world where FGC is common, many do believe there are health benefits to it as well. The labia and external genitalia of the female is seen as dirty. The women WANT to do it to their daughters. Many men circumcised using the same tools that are used to cut women suffer health problems their whole lives as well. There are forms of male genital cutting that are just as extreme as the most extreme forms of FGC (ever heard of a eunuch or the practice of subincision?). There are also forms of FGC that are less extreme than male circumcision, and I hope you won't begin to endorse those forms of FGC as well. Will you?

    Lets make people choose for their OWN bodies, and stop cutting off healthy, sensitive flesh from our infant's privates. When you think about it, doesn't that make sense?

  8. Hi Dr. Mills,

    I understand you are trying to provide the current medical thought on circumcision. The "consensus", however, is not as clear cut as it might seem. Here are some doctors who are opposed to circumcision who eloquently present evidence why:


    Dr. Dean Edell

    Dr. Edell more specifically on circumcision and HIV

    Dr. Christiane Northrup, ob/gyn

    "Facing Circumcision: 8 Physicians Tell Their Stories"

  9. thanks for the good information you shared about Womens health..this is great post! very interesting too.

  10. " What's wrong with those people? I agree that it was a child abuse.In fact circumcision is very important.Why forbid it."

  11. Now its very easy to contact with doctor .

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